Floors for Florida

“Wood” you? (snort.)
7 mins

“Wood” you? (snort.)

Well gang, we have done it – we have reached the end of the series on wood flooring installation – I know, I know…you have been waiting each week by your computer with baited breath for each new installment, you have longed for the joy of my...

Flooring Moisture series #2 : WOOD + WATER = BAD.
5 mins

Flooring Moisture series #2 : WOOD + WATER = BAD.

Okay, in my first post on the subject of flooring moisture issues I reviewed some of the more common causes of moisture intrusion in flooring and I touched on how it effects different types of flooring.  The one thing I left out was what happens...

Don’t learn about Concrete the HARD way
3 mins

Don’t learn about Concrete the HARD way

This is my first post in a new series about moisture related issues in flooring.  I know, I know, rivetingright?  Well if you found this blog then you are likely living in Florida and are interested in flooring, and if that’s true then you need to...

Tropical Storm Debby Stinks
2 mins

Tropical Storm Debby Stinks

Well wasn’t that fun…NOT.  If you are a resident of Florida the past couple of days you likely have been focused on things like rainfall totals and Klystron 9 radar images.  Why? WATER.  As Floridians, we are surrounded by it,  and as a general...

3 mins

But Madam! Our products are better….because they are Exclusive!

This is going to be my last post for a time on how you are getting scammed – it’s frankly a little depressing.  Kinda like watching those nature shows about killer whales.  Seriously how many adorable little penguins do we need to watch get eaten?...

The Bait and Switch
3 mins

The Bait and Switch

Okay, now we’re going to talk about the grand dad of all marketing scams, the good old Bait and Switch. Frankly I can’t believe in this day and age that this tired scam is still being used- I mean how many times will Charlie Brown try and kick...

4 mins


In my last post I talked about how The major national chain stores were publicly traded entities and they were bound by their shareholders to maintain a certain level of profits, remember? So If you are a CEO muckity muck of one of these places,...

Hellooooo? Is there anyone here?? Hellooooo???
2 mins

Hellooooo? Is there anyone here?? Hellooooo???

Who hasn’t been THAT guy at some point. A nice afternoon get’s interrupted by a trip to… THE HOME CENTER. (thunder in background) This is a trip of necessity – You just ran over yet another sprinkler head, your child just flushed a houseplant,...

May I come In?…
3 mins

May I come In?…

Yep.  We have all been there – You innocently walk onto the lot,  just curious about new car prices, perhaps you wanted to see that Camaro up close, and suddenly you get that feeling creeping up the back of your neck….that feeling, like you were...

Good Gracious this blog took forever to set up….
4 mins

Good Gracious this blog took forever to set up….

Hi. sssSo….this is blogging….. yep….ahem- Okay, I don’t have a clue, alright?  I’m just a guy from Florida who has been selling flooring down here for a really long time.  As part of a revamp of my company’s marketing I became aware that we had...